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C. FERREIRA Invited Tutorial Presented at WSC6, 2001

Gene Expression Programming in Problem Solving

Function Finding on a Five-dimensional Parameter Space

The objective of this section is to show how GEP can be used to model complex realities with high accuracy. The test function chosen is the following five parameter function:


where a, b, c, d, and e are the independent variables.

Consider we are given a sampling of the numerical values from this function over 100 random points in the interval [-1,1] and we wanted to find a function fitting those values within 0.01% of the correct value. The fitness was evaluated by equation 3.3, being M = 100%. Thus, for Ct = 100, fmax = 10000.

The domain of this problem suggests, besides the arithmetical functions, the use of sqrt(x), log(x), 10x, sin(x), cos(x) and tan(x) in the function set, which corresponds respectively to Q, K, ~, S, C, and G. Thus, for this problem, F = {+, -, *, /, Q, K, ~, S, C, G} and T consisted obviously of the independent variables {a, b, c, d, e}.

For this problem, I chose 3-genic chromosomes encoding sub-ETs with a maximum of 19 nodes. The sub-ETs were posttranslationally linked by addition. The parameters used per run are summarized in Table 5.

Table 5
Parameters for the problem of function finding on a five-dimensional parameter space.

Number of generations 1000
Population size 100
Number of fitness cases 100
Function set + - * / Q K ~ S C G
Gene length 19
Number of genes 3
Linking function +
Chromosome length 57
Mutation rate 0.044
One-point recombination rate 0.3
Two-point recombination rate 0.3
Gene recombination rate 0.1
IS transposition rate 0.1
IS elements length 1,2,3
RIS transposition rate 0.1
RIS elements length 1,2,3
Gene transposition rate 0.1
Selection range 100%
Precision 0%

I used the software Automatic Problem Solver (APS) to model this function because it allows the easy optimization of intermediate solutions and the easy testing of the evolved models against a test set. In one run a very good solution, with an R-square of 0.9999913 evaluated over a test set of 200 random points, was found:




Its expression is shown in Figure 18.

Figure 18. Model evolved by GEP to fit the 5-parameter function 3.6. a) The model in Karva notation. b) The sub-ETs codified by each gene. c) The corresponding mathematical expression after linking with addition (the contribution of each sub-ET is shown in square brackets).

This model is a very good approximation to the target function 3.6 as the high value for the R-square (almost 1) indicates. With APS we can further convert the evolved Karva programs into a more conventional computer program. For instance, the model 3.7 above can be automatically translated into the following C++ function:

     double APSCfunction(double d[ ])
          double dblTemp = 0;
          dblTemp += d[0];
          dblTemp += tan((d[3]-d[4]));
          return dblTemp;

Note that the term encoded in the last gene matches exactly the second term of the target function. However, a very unconventional and non-parsimonious alternative was found to express the first term of the target function. But the model evolved by GEP is, nonetheless, extremely accurate as the high value for the R-square indicates.

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