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In A. Abraham, B. de Baets, M. Köppen, and B. Nickolay, eds., Applied Soft Computing Technologies: The Challenge of Complexity, pages 517-536, Springer-Verlag, 2006.

Designing Neural Networks Using Gene Expression Programming

Neural network for the exclusive-or problem
The XOR is a simple Boolean function of two activities and, therefore, can be easily solved using linearly encoded neural networks. Its rule table is shown in Table 1.

Table 1
Lookup table for the exclusive-or function.

The functions used to solve this problem have connectivities 2, 3, and 4, and are represented, respectively, by "D", "T", and "Q", thus the function set F = {D, T, Q}; the terminal set T = {a, b}; and the set of weights W = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9} with values randomly chosen from the interval [-2, 2]. For the experiment summarized in the first column of Table 2, an h = 4 was chosen and, therefore, hundreds of different correct solutions to the XOR function were found. Most of them are more complicated than the conventional solution (2.1) shown in section 2 which uses seven nodes; others have the same degree of complexity evaluated in terms of total nodes; but, as will next be shown, other solutions are surprisingly more parsimonious than the conventional solution mentioned above.

Table 2
Parameters for the exclusive-or problem.

   Redundant System Compact System
Number of runs 100 100
Number of generations 50 50
Population size 30 30
Number of fitness cases 4 (Table 1) 4 (Table 1)
Function set D T Q D T Q
Terminal set a b a b
Weights array length 10 10
Weights range [-2, 2] [-2, 2]
Head length 4 2
Number of genes 1 1
Chromosome length 33 17
Mutation rate 0.061 0.118
One-point recombination rate 0.7 0.7
IS transposition rate 0.1 --
IS elements length 1 --
RIS transposition rate 0.1 --
RIS elements length 1 --
Dw-specific transposition rate 0.1 0.1
Dw-specific IS elements length 2,3,5 2,3,5
Success rate 77% 30%

The first solution found in run 0 of the experiment summarized in the first column of Table 2 is shown below:


W = {1.175, 0.315, -0.738, 1.694, -1.215, 1.956, -0.342, 1.088, -1.694, 1.288}

Its expression is shown in Figure 4. It is a rather complicated solution to the XOR function, but remember that evolutionary algorithms thrive in slightly redundant architectures (Ferreira 2002) and, as shown in Table 2, the success rate for this problem using this non-compact chromosomal organization is higher (77%) than the obtained with more compact organizations with h = 2 (30%).

Figure 4. A perfect, slightly complicated solution to the exclusive-or problem evolved with GEP-NNs. a) Its chromosome and respective weights. b) The fully expressed neural network encoded in the chromosome.

However, GEP can be useful to search for parsimonious solutions, and a very interesting parsimonious solution to the XOR function was found in another experiment. The parameters used per run in this experiment are summarized on the second column of Table 2. It is worth emphasizing that the compact organization with h = 2 was chosen in order to search for more parsimonious solutions than the canonical solution to the XOR function. One such solution is shown below:


W = {0.713, -0.774, -0.221, 0.773, -0.789, 1.792, -1.77, 0.443, -1.924, 1.161}

which is a perfect, extremely parsimonious solution to the XOR problem. Its full expression is shown in Figure 5. Indeed, several perfect solutions with this kind of structure were found in this experiment.

Figure 5. A perfect, extremely parsimonious solution to the exclusive-or problem discovered with GEP designed neural networks. a) Its chromosome and corresponding array of weights. b) The fully expressed neural network encoded in the chromosome.

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