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C. FERREIRA In E. Lutton, J. A. Foster, J. Miller, C. Ryan, and A. G. B. Tettamanzi, eds., Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Genetic Programming, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 2278, pages 51-60, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany, 2002.

Discovery of the Boolean Functions to the Best Density-Classification Rules Using Gene Expression Programming

  1. Koza, J. R., Genetic Programming: On the Programming of Computers by Means of Natural Selection. Cambridge, MA, MIT Press, 1992.

  2. Ferreira, C., 2001. Gene Expression Programming: A New Adaptive Algorithm for Solving Problems. Complex Systems, 13 (2): 87-129.

  3. Wolfram, S., Theory and Applications of Cellular Automata. World Scientific, 1986.

  4. Toffoli, T. and N. Margolus, Cellular Automata Machines: A New Environment for Modeling. MIT Press, 1987.

  5. Gacs, P., G. L. Kurdyumov, and L. A. Levin, 1978. One-dimensional Uniform Arrays that Wash out Finite Islands. Problemy Peredachi Informatsii 14, 92-98 (in Russian).

  6. Mitchell, M., An Introduction to Genetic Algorithms. MIT Press, 1996.

  7. Koza, J. R., F. H. Bennett III, D. Andre, and M. A. Keane, Genetic Programming III: Darwinian Invention and Problem Solving. Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco, 1999.

  8. Juillé, H. and J. B. Pollack. Coevolving the “Ideal” Trainer: Application to the Discovery of Cellular Automata Rules. In J. R. Koza, W. Banzhaf, K. Chellapilla, M. Dorigo, D. B. Fogel, M. H. Garzon, D. E. Goldberg, H. Iba, and R. L. Riolo, eds., Genetic Programming 1998: Proceedings of the Third Annual Conference, Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco, 1998.

  9. Holland, J. H., Adaptation in Natural and Artificial Systems: An Introductory Analysis with Applications to Biology, Control, and Artificial Intelligence. University of Michigan Press, 1975 (second edition: MIT Press, 1992).

  10. Cramer, N. L., A Representation for the Adaptive Generation of Simple Sequential Programs. In J. J. Grefenstette, ed., Proceedings of the First International Conference on Genetic Algorithms and Their Applications, Erlbaum, 1985.

  11. Mitchell, M., J. P. Crutchfield, and P. T. Hraber, 1994. Evolving Cellular Automata to Perform Computations: Mechanisms and Impediments. Physica D 75, 361-391.

  12. Mitchell, M., P. T. Hraber, and J. P. Crutchfield, 1993. Revisiting the Edge of Chaos: Evolving Cellular Automata to Perform Computations. Complex Systems 7, 89-130.

  13. Das, R., M. Mitchell, and J. P. Crutchfield, A Genetic Algorithm Discovers Particle-based Computation in Cellular Automata. In Y. Davidor, H.-P. Schwefel, and R. Männer, eds., Parallel Problem Solving from Nature - PPSN III, Springer-Verlag, 1994.

  14. Dawkins, R., River out of Eden. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1995.

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