GEP Book

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C. FERREIRA In Leandro N. de Castro and Fernando J. Von Zuben, eds., Recent Developments in Biologically Inspired Computing, pages 82-103, Idea Group Publishing, 2004.

Gene Expression Programming and the Evolution of Computer Programs

Evolutionary Algorithms in Problem Solving
The way nature solves problems and creates complexity has inspired scientists to create artificial systems that learn by themselves how to solve a particular problem. The first attempts were done in the 1950s by Friedberg (Friedberg 1958; Friedberg et al., 1959), but ever since highly sophisticated systems have been developed that apply Darwin's ideas of natural evolution to the artificial world of computers and modeling. Of particular interest to this work are the genetic algorithms (GAs) and the genetic programming (GP) technique as they are the predecessors of gene expression programming (GEP), the most recent development in evolutionary computation and the theme of this chapter. A brief introduction to these three techniques is given below.

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